✨ MELANIE is currently updating her offerings | Contact melanie@thedigitalmuse.ca for bookings and project requests ✨

Copywriting & Clarity Calls
Get help with your promotional messaging to boost your confidence, sales and sign-ups...
Service Description
You don't need to be a Professional Writer to write amazing content... But it *absolutely* helps to work with one who has 15+ years experience building successful websites and promotional campaigns. Consider this your SHORTCUT to "getting unstuck with all this messaging and marketing stuff"... IF YOU ARE GETTING READY TO: - Launch a new website, - Promote a new offer - Struggling to find your voice (or confidence) online... THESE SESSIONS WILL HELP YOU: 1) Get clearer on the VALUE of what you do (and who you do it for) 2) Boost your CONFIDENCE, when selling or sharing online 3) Convey complex information so other people "GET IT" (easier) 4) Simplify your marketing, by increasing your MAGNETISM 5) SEE what others see when they look at your online content ...and WHY they're not signing up or buying more often! WHY THEY WORK SO WELL: Your marketing becomes a lot SIMPLER when you realize it's all about COMMUNICATING the *very unique value* of what you do, to a *very specific group of people* (who are already looking for *someone like you* to help solve their problems)... —If you don't already know your "SHUT UP & TAKE MY MONEY" [KEY VALUE STATEMENT] these calls will help you get significantly clearer and more confident in THE VALUE of what you do so *every piece of your marketing* starts to SING online (in a way that feels good, and true!) FEEDBACK & RESULTS: "These sessions are HUGE BREATHE OF RELIEF for small businesses and seasoned entrepreneurs who need "just a little bit of help" updating their messaging and marketing so they can GET BETTER RESULTS from all that time, energy and money they've already invested". [!] MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE: If you're not over-the-moon happy with the results from our call, you can request a refund within 3hrs (for a 100% money-back guarantee). In over 15yrs we've never had to issue a refund, but IF YOU'RE NEW HERE it's our way of making sure you know you're investing in someone you can TRUST 💕✨ SO, IS THIS FOR YOU? - Are you having a hard time figuring out "what to say" online? - Are you feeling stuck, overwhelmed or out of your league? - Do you wish you could talk to someone who could help you market yourself, or your business better? If you said "Yes, yes, YES" (more than a few times) —hen this call is for you! Let's get started...
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule please provide as much notice as possible so we can re-allocate this time and energy towards someone who is ready to move forward *now*. Cancellations or rescheduling made with less than 48hrs notice are subject to a non-refundable fee of the session pricing. "In most cases we understand life happens, and are happy to be flexible with you: just honour our time, as we honour yours" xox
Contact Details
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada